10 avril 2009

Alors voici, je ressuscite mon blogue. Je prévois, à plus long terme, m'en servir pour afficher les travaux que je réaliserai en Italie. Pour l'instant, il servira à afficher divers projets des derniers mois.

La première image, produite dans le cadre du cours d'encrage et de mise en couleurs, est d'après un tableau de Caravaggio. Encrage entièrement réalisé à la main (encre de Chine et mon fidèle pinceau #3), couleurs avec Photoshop, mais rapidement. J'aime bien l'effet des ombres fortes, mais l'oeuvre originale est plus lumineuse.

C'est Saint-Jérôme, le traducteur de la Bible et saint patron des traducteurs... ça ne surprend sûrement personne, comme choix de sujet.


Here it is, the blog's back. Later on in the year, I figure I'll be using it to post my material from Italy, but for now, I'll just post some recent images from school projects.

The first pic, which I created for the inking and colouring course I was following this semester, is after Caravaggio. Inks entirely by hand (with India ink and my sweet, sweet #3 brush), colours quickly done in Photoshop. I like the really strong shadows, but in the end I found the original work more luminous.

The man is St. Jerome, patron saint of translators and himself translator of the Bible. No surprise that I'd have chosen him as subject...

2 commentaires:

bg a dit...

I love this piece, Vanni. I've always loved Caravaggio.

V. a dit...

Thanks! I like his stuff a lot too. He's the absolute master of dramatic lighting, and a strong influence on my drawings.

These days I'm experimenting with much more bright and colourful, almost cartoony pieces with little shadow, and I'm not convinced I like it, but I have to give it a shot - I'll post those soon.